Signs You Must Shift To a Dedicated Server

Apa itu Dedicated Server? Serta Kelebihan dan Kekurangannya!

Every successful business must have a robust online presence, which is possible only by choosing reliable web hosting services. You can choose dedicated server hosting if you have specific needs that demand the resources and control a dedicated server offers. 

It helps to create various custom security protocols, and you need to worry less about the server space. So, let us find out in this article the four most prominent signs that depict why you should switch to a dedicated server. 

What is a Dedicated Server 

A dedicated server is mainly a physical server assigned to a single customer. You need a server to host or run your applications and websites so that users have the flexibility to access your services. It offers complete control over hardware, software, and resources  to the client, thereby offering high performance, scalability, customization, and security.

4 Pertinent Signs of Shifting to a Dedicated Server Hosting

  • Traffic Increase 

When your business becomes popular and starts to surge, many people start visiting your website. If you find that your website fails to handle the increased traffic load and experiences sudden downtimes, it may be time to upgrade to dedicated server hosting

  • Speed 

If your website experiences low speeds and longer page loading times, it is wise to switch to a dedicated server. This will solve this issue and help you retain your visitors. 

  • Storage Capacity

While using shared hosting, there is only a limited amount of storage capacity. Moreover, if you add multiple pages to your website over time, the shared hosting server may not be able to accommodate the new pages. It is then you will have to decide to switch to a dedicated server for increased storage capacity.

  • Security 

Shared hosting security is appropriate for small businesses. However, they, too, are exposed to security risks and cybersecurity threats. Hence, if you are looking for enhanced security for your growing website, shifting to a dedicated server may be a wise decision.

  • Server Control 

The best-dedicated server hosting gives you complete control of the resources.  You can customize server settings, install preferred applications, and implement security measures tailored to your website’s specific needs. If your existing server does not allow that, switching to a dedicated server is recommended.

How Can a Dedicated Server Help?

  • Improved Performance 

Compared to shared hosting, dedicated servers have more resources, leading to effective performance for websites and applications.

  • Higher Security 

Dedicated servers are not shared with other users, limiting your exposure to external cyber threats. 

  • Greater Control 

With the presence of dedicated servers, businesses can ensure more control over the hardware and software, which would prove helpful for the businesses with specific needs. 

  • Scalability  

Dedicated servers offer a high degree of scalability. This means you can easily add or reduce resources to suit your website needs.

  • Reliability 

In terms of reliability, you can fully count on dedicated servers, as their performance is not affected by the activities of the other users, and they mainly function as independent entities. 


So, while you think about buying a dedicated server, remember that the performance of your website depends on various factors, where web hosting plays a significant role. Running your website on a web host with low server space and longer page loading times results in a negative outlook for your website. So, consider these factors a priority and switch to dedicated server hosting to determine excellent reliability and flexibility for your website. 


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How To Choose The Right Website Builder For Your Website?


Nearly 27% of small-size businesses don’t have a web page. With so many user-friendly website-building options available, it is tough to understand why.

One of the best ways to build a website in NZ is using a website builder.

All you need to do is choose the right website builder provider that will help you establish a solid online presence. 

You can easily reach your target audience with a hassle-free website-building experience. Let us understand some of the checkpoints for choosing the right website builder in NZ for your website.

Website Builder-Explain

Website Builder is an online tool that you can use to create and design your business website without the need for coding knowledge. With a simple drag-and-drop button, you can create a whole new website on your own.

You get an extensive range of in-built templates available, with the help of which you can customize your webpage with your brand vision.

The best website builder offers both online and offline website-building options. The only thing is Offline website builders are installed before use. Whereas online website builders are web applications, so no installation is needed white use them.

Aspects to Keep in Mind While Choosing a Webpage Builder for Your Website

  • Budget 

When planning to create a website, it’s important to determine your budget first. Besides the cost of the website builder, you should also consider other expenses like domain registration (whether it’s included or not), the type of web hosting needed (managed/unmanaged), SSL certificate (whether it’s included or not), plugins (whether they’re included or not), and email service (whether it’s included or not).

 In addition, you need to consider the marketing approaches you’ll use, such as organic and paid. To save money, you may want to bundle different web page services together.

  1.  Extend Of Services You Will Be Needing

The extent of services you will need will be based on the vision you have for your webpage. There are various factors you need to consider for that, such as

  • You need to define your audience to tailor and design content to suit their preferences and needs.
  • You need to understand the niche and industry to establish a consistent brand identity by including a distinctive logo, color scheme, and typography.
  • Outline your website’s purpose and functionalities.
  • You need to access the level of proficiency you need in your design, as not all web builders are intuitive; some have pre-designed templates and easy-to-use drag-and-drop tools only.
  •  Whether you desire extensive design options and flexibility, opt for a builder that offers a lot of template options or comprehensive editing features.
  • You need to evaluate whether your website will have an online store. If yes, then choose a website builder that offers suitable templates and features for an online store.
  • Consider the types of media you intend to include
  • Mobile integration 
  • Migration

According to your business needs, you need an affordable website builder that accommodates growth. Therefore, choose a website builder that provides migration as an option. 

Your website builder in NZ should ensure a seamless and straightforward migration process, enabling you to scale your online presence as your business evolves.

  • Inclusive SEO Features

Your online visibility is directly related to the SEO strategies you adopt. Therefore, choose a website builder that prioritizes SEO—for instance, WordPress with its Yoast SEO plugin or Shopify for e-commerce.

  • Customer Support

Check the level of support, i.e., prompt access to support staff, is essential for resolving any issues. You need the support that simplifies the process of learning and using the website builder.

  • Reviews

Check the online feedback given by the business owner on their page and also off-page. Remember, a positive experience with a website builder is greatly enhanced when timely support is readily available.


With all these aspects in mind, you can choose a website builder that will help you create a strong online presence for your business. 

Your webpage is your business identity, so ensure you invest time and effort in exploring the perfect one. 

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Steps To Install Let’s Encrypt SSL On VPS Running Webmin/Virtualmin

SSL certificates act as a strong defence mechanism against potential security threats to a VPS Server

While some domain and hosting packages offer SSL certificates alongside hosting resources, they often come at an added cost. 

This is where Let’s Encrypt SSL becomes very desirable, as it provides you with a free SSL certificate for your VPS Server hosting

But installing Let’s Encrypt SSL on a VPS Server is not as difficult as it sounds. In fact, the process is quite simple and straightforward. 

In this post, we will explain how you can install Let’s Encrypt SSL On VPS Running Webmin/Virtualmin in just two simple steps. 

Read on!

Is it Worth Installing SSL Certificates from Let’s Encrypt?

As discussed earlier, adding an SSL certificate is among the most prominent methods of securing virtual servers

It secures your VPS by encrypting the data transferred between a server and the web browsers. 

Not that popular browsers like Google Chrome alert users when they land on a non-secure website. This is where having an SSL certificate becomes crucial, as it shows the users that your site is secure and can be trusted. In short, it adds to the credibility of your website. 

However, due to its high cost, some website owners, especially beginners, can not afford to purchase an SSL certificate. 

Thanks to Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) for introducing Let’s Encrypt, a certificate authority that offers free SSL certificates to website owners. It is a trusted body that serves over 150 million websites from all over the world.

So, yes. 

Having a free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt is definitely worth it. 

Step-by-step Process of Installing Let’s Encrypt SSL Using Virtualmin/Webmin

If you are using VPS hosting Singapore, then installing Let’s Encrypt SSL is a breeze. All you have to do is follow these two simple steps:

Step-1: Enabling SSL Settings

Before proceeding further, make sure you have selected Webmin as the OS for your virtual server. Then, log in to your control panel and visit the servers tab, and change the operating system from Ubuntu to Virtualmin or Webmin. Once done, follow the below procedure:

  • Login to your Webmin/Virtualmin account by entering https://your.VPS.ip.address:10000
  • In the next window, click Advanced and then Proceed to [whatever your IP address is]. 
  • Enter your credentials. 
  • Once signed in, select Virtualmin and then the Edit Virtual Server option.  
  • Now, tick the box with the Apache SSL website enabled option. 

Step-2: Installing Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate 

  • Go to Virtualmin panel -> Server Configuration -> SSL Certificate and click the Let’s Encrypt tab. 
  • Finally, request a certificate by choosing one out of two options: Domains listed here or Domain associated with this server. Choose the second option if you want to add SSL to your default domains. But if you want to add the certificate for some other domain listed under the same VPS, then go with the Domains listed here option. 
  • Click Request Certificate

And done!

Final Words

You have just learned how to install a free SSL certificate by Let’s Encrypt on your VPS running Webmin or Virtualmin. Quite simple, right?

Now, what is stopping you from securing your virtual private server? Go and grab your free SSL. 


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